Sunday, 18 December 2011

Coconut Shimmer Body Butter

Although it's common to witness me cruising the aisles of my local Body Shop, it's a miraculous occurrence if I actually end up purchasing a product. However, I am always exceptionally grateful when I receive something from The Body Shop when a special occasion rolls around. 

It must have been around a year ago that I received a large tub of The Body Shop's Coconut Shimmer Body Butter. Although I always swatch the beautifully scented butters on my palms in various stores, I forbid myself from spending the ridiculous amount of money they cost on a body butter. This, of course, doesn't mean I do not absolutely adore them. When I received this Body Butter, I was already the proud owner of around four body butters, although none of them were full sized; you can imagine my excitement when my eyes revelled in the beauty of a 200ml tub for the first time. I finally spotted something on the tub that made me around five hundred times more happy than when I originally sighted the product: Shimmer Body Butter. 

The Body Butter has a glorious smell, and is noticeable all day once applied. The shimmer is brilliant if you love the completely diamond encrusted look. The glitter is professionally minuscule, which leads me on to another rave regarding this extraordinary product. Out of interest, I applied a small amount of the product to me cheekbones (I applied an extremely small amount of product to the tips of my fingers and rubbed both sets of my fingertips together to avoid over-applying), and was delighted to discover that this body butter is maybe the best hilighter going. The consistency of the butter is perfect: not too thick, and not too thin. The best thing about this newly discovered hilighter? It suits all skin tones. 

I hope this method of application works as well for you as it did for me! You can purchase it here.

(I would like to mention how grateful I am for comments on my posts, and would enjoy for it to be recognised how I read every single comment. However, my Blogger account does not allow me to comment on blog posts, whether it be my own, or another persons'. I am looking into the matter and hope to amend it soon. Thank You.)

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