Sunday, 18 December 2011

Nivea Creme

During a recent shopping trip with my friend, I suddenly remembered that I had run out of moisturiser that very morning. In a frantic hurry to arrive home quickly, I picked up literally the first moisturiser I recognised as a familiar brand, and paid at the check out. When I arrived home, I was ashamed with myself. I am not one to make purchases on a whim, and was worried about the thick texture that was so diverse compared to my current moisturiser (Garnier Essentials Day Cream). 

The 'creme' felt extremely sticky as I blended it into my face, but as I began to blend faster, I could feel the moisturiser becoming more versatile on my face. This Nivea Creme is amazing. I have extremely oily skin, and I did not notice my skin becoming any more oily than it does normally. Admittedly, I would prefer a moisturiser that made my oily mess of a skin more manageable, but most moisturisers that come with the promise of this do nothing but dry out my skin until it is gasping for a drenching. I applied my foundation seconds after application, and noticed no streaking or patchiness in my finished result. My foundation glided into my skin smoothly, and I am certain my pores looked minimised. Not only that, but the moisturiser does its job pretty well too. I tend to be cursed with the burden of dry patches on my face (which is why my skin type is neither 'combination' or 'oily'), but the first time I applied the product to my face at night, the next morning my face felt hydrated and 'new'. I would definitely recommend this product to anyone, regardless of skin type or tone. 

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